Which is the correct base pairing:

Adenine - Guanine
Adenine - Cytosine
Thymine - Guanine
Thymine - Adenine
Cytosine - Thymine

Adenine (A) forms a base pair with thymine (T)

rules of base pairing:


The correct base pairing in DNA is as follows:

Adenine (A) pairs with Thymine (T): A-T
Cytosine (C) pairs with Guanine (G): C-G

Therefore, the correct base pairing options are:
- Adenine - Thymine (A-T)
- Cytosine - Guanine (C-G)

To determine the correct base pairing, you need to refer to the DNA structure and specifically examine the complementary base pairing rules. In DNA, adenine always pairs with thymine, and cytosine always pairs with guanine, forming hydrogen bonds between each other. This complementary base pairing is essential for DNA replication and maintaining the integrity of genetic information.