Jane-Doe is admitted to the hospital. Her admission is assigned a new medical record number 10-50-18. She has another record number 00-05-61 from a previous hospitalization. The information from 00-05-61 was moved forward to the new admission 10-50-18. What number/filing system is used?

serial unit

In what type of hmo doe the physician treat only hmo subscribers?

a. group medical
b. independent practice
c. staff model
d. Preferred provider organization

The number/filing system being used is known as a medical record numbering or filing system. In this case, it appears to be a numeric filing system.

In a numeric filing system, each patient is assigned a unique number that corresponds to their medical record. The numbers are typically assigned in numerical order as patients are admitted to the hospital or healthcare facility. This allows for easy identification and retrieval of medical records when needed.

In the given example, Jane-Doe's new medical record number is 10-50-18. This number represents her unique identifier in the hospital's filing system. Her previous record number, 00-05-61, has been moved forward, presumably to link her previous medical history to her current admission.

Overall, the numeric filing system provides a simple and logical way to organize and locate medical records based on a numerical sequence.