Combine like terms a + a/4 + 3a/4 + 2a


To add fractions, the terms must have the same denominator:

(4/4)a + a/4 + 3a/4 + (4/4)2a =?

To combine like terms, we need to simplify the expression by first adding or subtracting similar terms with the same variable(s) raised to the same power(s).

In the given expression, we have the variable "a" present in all the terms. Let's combine these terms:

a + a/4 + 3a/4 + 2a

First, let's simplify the fractions:

a/4 becomes (1/4)a
3a/4 remains the same
2a remains the same

Now, we can combine the terms by adding them together:

a + (1/4)a + 3a/4 + 2a

To add or subtract fractions, we need a common denominator. Here, we can find the common denominator by multiplying the denominators together:

4 * 1 * 4 = 16

Now let's rewrite each term with the common denominator:

(16/16)a + (4/16)a + (3/16)(4/4)a + (8/16)a

Combining the coefficients:

(16a + 4a + 3a + 8a) / 16

Simplifying the expression:

(31a) / 16

Therefore, the simplified expression, combining like terms, is (31a) / 16.