Summerize the 4 stages of tranformational learning cycle

The Transformational Learning Cycle consists of four stages:

1. Experience: The first stage involves experiencing a new situation or event that challenges your existing beliefs, assumptions, or perspectives. This could be encountering a problem, experiencing a failure, or encountering a new idea or perspective.

2. Critical Reflection: In this stage, you reflect upon and critically analyze the experience. You question your assumptions, beliefs, biases, and values related to the experience. This self-reflection helps you gain a deeper understanding of the experience and its implications.

3. Meaning Making: In the third stage, you make meaning out of the experience by connecting it to your existing knowledge and beliefs. You begin to make sense of the experience and try to integrate it into your worldview. This stage involves searching for new insights, patterns, and connections.

4. Action: The final stage of the Transformational Learning Cycle is taking action based on your new understanding and insights. You use what you have learned to make changes in your thoughts, behaviors, or actions. This stage is about applying your new perspective to create positive change in your life or in the world around you.

It's important to note that these stages are not necessarily linear and can overlap or happen in different sequences. The Transformational Learning Cycle is a process that promotes personal growth, deeper understanding, and positive change.