Solve 11x-7<-40 using the addition and multiplication principle. Thank you for your help!

Add 7 to both sides and then divide both sides by 11.

The < remains pointed the same way.

solve using the addition and multiplication principles 7x6<-41

To solve the inequality 11x - 7 < -40, we will use both the addition and multiplication principles. The goal is to isolate the variable x on one side of the inequality sign.

Step 1: Add 7 to both sides of the inequality:
11x - 7 + 7 < -40 + 7
This simplifies to:
11x < -33

Step 2: Divide both sides of the inequality by 11:
(11x)/11 < (-33)/11
This simplifies to:
x < -3

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is x < -3.

To check this solution, you can substitute any number less than -3 into the original inequality and see if it holds true. For example, if we substitute x = -4 into the inequality, we get:
11(-4) - 7 < -40
-44 - 7 < -40
-51 < -40
Since -51 is indeed less than -40, the solution is correct.