suppose you need to construct a cone who surface area is 100 sq in. (A= pi*r*(sqrt( r^2+h^2), this is the amount of carboard needed to construct the cone. find values of r and h that will maximize the volume of the cone (V= (pi/3)r^2h

Please help. explanations and steps please so confused

To find the values of r (the radius) and h (the height) that will maximize the volume of the cone, we need to optimize the volume function with respect to these variables.

Step 1: Understand the problem.
We are given that the surface area of the cone is 100 sq in. and we need to find the values of r and h that maximize the volume. The formula for the surface area of a cone is A = πr√(r^2 + h^2). The formula for the volume of a cone is V = (1/3)πr^2h.

Step 2: Express the volume equation in terms of one variable.
Since we need to optimize the volume given a constraint on the surface area, we should express the volume function in terms of either r or h so that we can substitute it into the surface area equation.

From the volume equation V = (1/3)πr^2h, we can solve for h in terms of r:
h = (3V) / (πr^2)

Step 3: Substitute the expression for h into the surface area equation.
Plugging in the expression for h into the surface area equation A = πr√(r^2 + h^2), we get:
100 = πr√(r^2 + [(3V) / (πr^2)]^2)

Step 4: Simplify the equation.
Squaring both sides of the equation, we get:
100^2 = (πr)^2[(r^2) + (3V / πr^2)^2]

10000 = π^2r^4 + 9V^2 / r^2

Step 5: Differentiate the equation and solve for r.
To maximize the volume, we need to find the critical points (where the derivative is zero).

Differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to r, we get:
d(10000) / dr = d(π^2r^4 + 9V^2 / r^2) / dr

0 = 4π^2r^3 - (18V^2 / r^3)

Simplifying further, we have:
4π^2r^6 - 18V^2 = 0

Step 6: Solve for r.
Dividing both sides of the equation by 2, we get:
2π^2r^6 - 9V^2 = 0

Factoring out r^2, we have:
r^2(2π^2r^4 - 9V^2) = 0

Therefore, r = 0 or r^4 = 9V^2 / (2π^2)

Step 7: Find the values of h:
We can substitute the value of r obtained from the previous step into the expression for h that we derived earlier:
h = (3V) / (πr^2)

Step 8: Check for maximum volume.
To check if the value obtained for r provides a maximum volume, you can differentiate the volume equation with respect to r, and then examine the second derivative to ensure it is negative.

Step 9: Calculate the maximum volume.
Once you have found the value of r that maximizes the volume, you can plug it back into the volume equation V = (1/3)πr^2h to find the corresponding maximum volume.