Describe the method you would use to separate eachg mixture.

Methods: Picking apart, filtering, using density, using magnetism, dissolving, evaporating.

a)sand and water b)oil and water c salt and pepper d)sand and pebbles
e)sugar and water

2. List several different filters in your home and school. What is the purpose of each filter?

a) To separate sand and water, you can use the method of filtration. You will need a filter paper and a funnel. Place the funnel on top of a container and secure the filter paper inside the funnel. Pour the mixture of sand and water into the funnel. The water will pass through the filter paper, leaving the sand behind.

b) To separate oil and water, you can use the method of decantation. Allow the mixture to settle for some time, and the oil will float on top of the water due to its lower density. Carefully pour off the top layer of oil, leaving the water underneath.

c) To separate salt and pepper, you can use the method of hand picking or sieving. If the salt and pepper particles are of different sizes, you can use a sieve to separate them. Simply pour the mixture onto the sieve and shake gently. The smaller pepper particles will fall through the sieve, leaving the larger salt particles behind.

d) To separate sand and pebbles, you can use the method of sieving. Pour the mixture onto a sieve with a mesh size larger than the sand but smaller than the pebbles. Shake the sieve gently, allowing the sand to pass through while the pebbles remain on the sieve.

e) To separate sugar and water, you can use the method of evaporation. Heat the mixture of sugar and water in a container until the water evaporates. The sugar will be left behind as solid crystals.

2. Filters in homes and schools serve various purposes:

- Water filters: These remove impurities from tap water, such as sediment, chlorine, and bacteria, making it safe to drink.
- Air filters: Found in air conditioning or ventilation systems, these filters remove dust, pollen, and other airborne particles from the air, improving indoor air quality.
- Coffee filters: These are used in coffee makers to separate the ground coffee beans from the liquid coffee.
- Oil filters: In vehicles, oil filters remove impurities from engine oil, ensuring smooth operation and prolonging engine life.
- Swimming pool filters: These remove debris and contaminants from pool water, keeping it clean and safe for swimming.
- Fuel filters: Found in vehicles, fuel filters remove impurities from the fuel before it reaches the engine, preventing damage and improving fuel efficiency.

To separate each mixture listed, you can use the following methods:

a) Sand and water: The mixture of sand and water can be separated by filtering. Here's how you can do it:
- Take a funnel and insert a filter paper or a piece of cloth into it.
- Pour the mixture of sand and water into the funnel.
- The water will pass through the filter paper or cloth, while the sand particles will be retained on the filter.

b) Oil and water: To separate oil and water, you can use the method of density difference. Here's how to do it:
- Pour the mixture of oil and water into a container.
- Allow the mixture to sit undisturbed for some time.
- Oil, being less dense, will rise above the water.
- You can carefully skim off or siphon the oil layer from the top.

c) Salt and pepper: Salt and pepper can be separated by dissolving the salt in water. Here's what you can do:
- Pour the mixture of salt and pepper into a container.
- Add some water and stir the mixture.
- Salt is soluble in water, so it will dissolve, while pepper particles will remain undissolved.
- You can then filter the mixture using the method mentioned above to separate the undissolved pepper particles from the solution.

d) Sand and pebbles: Sand and pebbles can be separated by a combination of methods like picking apart and using density difference. Here's how:
- Start by picking apart any larger pebbles that can be easily separated by hand.
- Then, pour the mixture into a container of water.
- Due to the difference in density, pebbles will sink to the bottom, while sand particles will remain suspended or float.
- Carefully pour out the water, and you will be left with the separated sand and pebbles.

e) Sugar and water: Sugar and water can be separated by the method of dissolving and evaporating. Here's the process:
- Pour the mixture of sugar and water into a container.
- Stir the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved in water.
- Then, heat the mixture gently using a heat source like a Bunsen burner or a hot plate.
- As the water evaporates due to the heat, sugar will be left behind as a solid residue.

Regarding the second part of your question, here are several different filters commonly found in homes and schools and their purposes:

1. Water filter: Removes contaminants, impurities, and odor from tap water, making it safe for drinking.
2. Air filter: Traps airborne particles like dust, allergens, and pollutants, improving indoor air quality.
3. HVAC filter: Filters the air circulated through heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, preventing the buildup of dust and debris.
4. Coffee filter: Separates coffee grounds from the brewed coffee, giving a smoother drink.
5. Pool filter: Cleans pool water by trapping debris and particles, keeping the pool water clear and safe to swim in.
6. Vacuum cleaner filter: Captures dirt, dust, and allergens, preventing them from being released back into the air during vacuuming.
7. Oil filter in a car: Removes contaminants and impurities from engine oil, ensuring proper lubrication and optimal engine performance.

The purpose of each filter differs depending on the context, but in general, filters are used to separate or remove unwanted substances or particles from a fluid (such as water or air) to make it cleaner, purer, or safer.