What is the verb and helping verb of this sentence. Mary was studying for the test.


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The Helping verb is "was" but the actual verb is studying. Was studying is called the "verb phrase.

1. Sherry is calling her mom.
2. The Boys were arrested last night.
3. David is working on his speech.

In the sentence, "Mary was studying for the test," the verb is "studying," and the helping verb is "was."

To identify the verb and the helping verb in a sentence, follow these steps:

1. Look for the action or state of being in the sentence. The verb is the main word that expresses the action or state of being. In this case, the verb is "studying."

2. Next, check if there is a helping verb before the main verb. Helping verbs are auxiliary verbs that assist the main verb to express tense, mood, or voice. In this sentence, "was" is the helping verb.

By analyzing the sentence in this way, you can identify the verb ("studying") and the helping verb ("was").