I am having a difficult time classifying this sentence:

Did Clint's son change the damaged tire on their car?

Please help!

It's an interrogative sentence; it asks a question.


I don't really know what this requires, but use this below and see:

Clint's (possessive, adjective)
son (subject, noun)
Did change (main verb - did = auxiliary verb; change = base verb)
the (article)
damaged (participle, adjective)
tire (noun, direct object)
on (preposition)
their (possessive, adjective)
car? (noun, object of preposition "on")

To classify the sentence "Did Clint's son change the damaged tire on their car?", we need to first understand its structure and identify the different elements it contains.

1. Subject: The subject of the sentence is "Clint's son." This tells us who performed the action.

2. Verb: The verb in the sentence is "change." It describes the action that is being performed.

3. Object: The object of the verb is "the damaged tire." This tells us what was being changed.

4. Additional information: The phrase "on their car" provides additional details about where the action took place.

Now, let's determine the classification of the sentence.

Based on the structure and elements, we can classify this sentence as a yes/no question. The question word "Did" at the beginning of the sentence indicates that a simple positive/negative answer is expected. In this case, the question is asking whether Clint's son performed the action of changing the damaged tire on their car.

Therefore, the sentence "Did Clint's son change the damaged tire on their car?" is a yes/no question.