One and one-half cups of native blueberries have 232 calories. How many calories does one cup of native blueberries have? (Points: 5)

233.5 calories per cup
232 calories per cup
154.7 calories per cup
0.006 Calories per cup
Not sre how to calclate this one can i get some help please

Mathematically, you can set up the problem as follow:

232 Cal/1.5 Cup = x Cal/1 cup
1x = 232/1.5
x = 154.7 Cal

Another way, this is a no brainer question given the choices below. With 1.5 cup, you know it has 232 Cal, so with only 1 cup, you know the answer should be less than 232 Cal. Look at all the options, only 154.7 Cal makes sense. So you literally shouldn't have to do any math to figure this one out.

i was thinking abot 154.7 bt was not so sre and i did know it had to be less bt i didn't want to assme i wanted to know how i came up with the answer

All right, so now you know how to do the math for it.

I think most teacher would still accept the other answer as long as you logically explain why your answer should be less than 232 and not 0.006.

Good luck!

Sure! To find out how many calories one cup of native blueberries has, we can use a proportion.

We know that one and one-half cups of native blueberries have 232 calories.

Let's set up the proportion:

(1 1/2 cups) / (232 calories) = (1 cup) / (x calories)

Now, cross-multiply and solve for x:

(1 1/2) * x = 1 * 232
3/2 * x = 232
3x = 232 * 2
3x = 464
x = 464/3

So, one cup of native blueberries has approximately 154.7 calories.

Therefore, the correct answer choice is: 154.7 calories per cup.