Make d the subject

L=4ðCx(x is set off the line)d^2

To make "d" the subject of the formula L = 4πCx * d^2, we need to isolate the variable "d" on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Start by dividing both sides of the equation by 4πCx:
L / (4πCx) = d^2

Step 2: To eliminate the squared term, take the square root of both sides:
√(L / (4πCx)) = √(d^2)

Keep in mind that since d is the subject, we also need to consider both the positive and negative square roots.

Therefore, the solution for d would be:
d = ± √(L / (4πCx))

This equation gives us the value of "d" when "L," "π," "C," and "x" are known.