Terms and Definitions matching

___ Statistics ___ Discrete variable
___ Statistics ___ Continuous variable
___ Population ___ Qualitative data
___ Population parameters ___ Quantitative data
___ Sample ___ Mean
___ Bias ___ Mode
___ Representative sample ___ Median
___ Experimental study ___ Unimodal
___ Observational study ___ Relative frequency
___ Double-blind study ___ Standard deviation

To match the terms and definitions, we must understand the meanings of each term.

1. Statistics: the study of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, presenting, and organizing data.

2. Discrete variable: a variable that can only take specific, separate values. Examples include the number of children in a family or the number of cars sold in a month.

3. Continuous variable: a variable that can take any value within a range. Examples include temperature or height.

4. Population: the entire group or set of individuals or objects of interest to a researcher.

5. Qualitative data: data that consists of descriptive observations and characteristics. Examples include opinions, experiences, or colors.

6. Population parameters: numerical characteristics of a population that help describe or make inferences about the population.

7. Sample: a subset of the population selected for the purposes of a study.

8. Bias: a systematic error or deviation from the true value, caused by a flaw in the study design or data collection process.

9. Representative sample: a sample that accurately represents the characteristics of the population from which it was drawn.

10. Experimental study: a study in which the researcher actively manipulates variables to observe the effect on the participants.

11. Observational study: a study in which the researcher observes and measures variables without interfering or manipulating them.

12. Double-blind study: a study in which neither the participants nor the researchers know which participants are in the control or experimental group, helping to reduce bias.

13. Mean: the average of a set of numbers calculated by summing all the values and dividing it by the number of values.

14. Mode: the value or values that occur most frequently in a dataset.

15. Median: the middle value in a dataset when it is ordered from least to greatest.

16. Unimodal: a dataset that has one mode, meaning one value occurs most frequently.

17. Relative frequency: the proportion or percentage of times a specific value appears in a dataset.

18. Standard deviation: a measure of the spread or dispersion of data points around the mean.

Now, let's match the terms with their definitions:

- Statistics: Statistics
- Discrete variable: Discrete variable
- Continuous variable: Continuous variable
- Population: Qualitative data
- Population parameters: Quantitative data
- Sample: Sample
- Bias: Bias
- Representative sample: Representative sample
- Experimental study: Experimental study
- Observational study: Observational study
- Double-blind study: Double-blind study
- Mean: Mean
- Mode: Mode
- Median: Median
- Unimodal: Unimodal
- Relative frequency: Relative frequency
- Standard deviation: Standard deviation