What are the 3 property names of addition?

1. The Zero Property of Addition-
Adding 0 to a number leaves it unchanged. We call 0 the additive identity.

2.Commutative Property of Addition- switching the order of two numbers being added does not change the result.

3. Associative Property-
the order that numbers are grouped in addition does not affect the result
example: (2+10) +4 = 2+(10+4)

To find the three property names of addition, you can start by understanding the basic principles behind addition.

1. The Zero Property of Addition: This property states that adding 0 to a number does not change its value. In other words, the sum of any number and 0 is equal to the original number itself. We refer to 0 as the additive identity in this property.

2. The Commutative Property of Addition: This property states that the order in which numbers are added does not affect the result. You can switch the order of two numbers being added, and the sum will remain the same. For example, if you have 2 + 3, it will give you the same result as 3 + 2.

3. The Associative Property of Addition: This property states that the grouping of numbers being added does not affect the result. You can change the grouping of numbers while adding, and the sum will remain the same. For instance, if you have (2 + 10) + 4, it will give you the same result as 2 + (10 + 4).

By understanding these three properties, you can effectively perform addition and manipulate numbers while ensuring that the results remain valid.