the ionization energy for atomic hydrogen is 1.31x10^6 J/mol. what is the ionization energy for He^+

The ionization energy for He+ can be calculated using the formula:

Ionization energy (He+) = Ionization energy (H) - Electron affinity of H

The ionization energy for atomic hydrogen (H) is given as 1.31x10^6 J/mol. However, we also need to determine the electron affinity of hydrogen.

The electron affinity of hydrogen is the energy change when a hydrogen atom gains an electron to form a hydrogen anion (H-). The electron affinity of hydrogen is approximately -72 kJ/mol (-7.2 x 10^4 J/mol).

Now we can calculate the ionization energy for He+:

Ionization energy (He+) = 1.31x10^6 J/mol - (-7.2 x 10^4 J/mol)

Ionization energy (He+) = 1.31x10^6 J/mol + 7.2 x 10^4 J/mol

Ionization energy (He+) ≈ 1.382 x 10^6 J/mol

So, the ionization energy for He+ is approximately 1.382 x 10^6 J/mol.

To find the ionization energy for He^+, we'll start by understanding what ionization energy represents. Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom or ion in its ground state.

In the case of hydrogen, the ionization energy you provided (1.31x10^6 J/mol) refers to removing an electron from a hydrogen atom. However, He^+ is a helium ion, which means it has already lost one electron.

Since He^+ has already lost an electron, the ionization energy required to remove another electron will be different from that of atomic hydrogen. This is because removing additional electrons becomes progressively more difficult as the positive charge of the ion increases.

To calculate the ionization energy for He^+, we need to refer to the values provided in the periodic table. The ionization energy for He^+ can be found as the energy required to remove the remaining electron from a neutral helium atom, which is the first ionization energy of helium (He).

The first ionization energy of helium is approximately 2.37x10^6 J/mol. This value represents the energy required to remove the first electron from a helium atom to form He^+.

Therefore, the ionization energy for He^+ is approximately 2.37x10^6 J/mol.

4*1.31E6 = ??