______ weathering is a process by which softer,less weather resistent rocks are worn away leaving more weather resistant rocks exposed

That process is called selective weathering

physical weathering

The weathering process you are referring to is known as differential weathering. It is a natural process that occurs over time and involves the selective breakdown and erosion of rocks and minerals based on their resistance to weathering.

To understand the concept of differential weathering, one must first recognize that different types of rocks have varying degrees of resistance to weathering. Some rocks, like granite or basalt, are more resistant to weathering due to their dense and durable composition. On the other hand, rocks like limestone or shale tend to be softer and more susceptible to breakdown.

Now, when these different types of rocks are exposed to weathering agents such as wind, water, temperature changes, or chemical processes, they respond differently. The softer and less weather-resistant rocks will start to erode and wear away at a faster rate compared to the more resilient rocks.

As a result, over time, the softer rocks will gradually wear down, while the more weather-resistant rocks remain relatively intact. This selective erosion leads to the exposure of the more resistant rocks, which are left standing out and often form distinctive landforms or features in landscapes, such as cliffs, pillars, or outcrops.

To identify and understand the process of differential weathering, it is helpful to observe and study rock formations in various environments or geological regions. By analyzing the type of rocks present, their composition, and the surrounding weathering patterns, geologists can gain insights into the differential weathering process and its impact on shaping the Earth's surface.