Find the age, to the nearest month, of the people in your class. Use the average age in months as your zero and positive and negative numbers to write the age of each person in relation to the average. Work in a group to find a good visual way to display this information. Discuss what is gained by communicating the data in this way and report your conclusions

We are not in a class and cannot work with your group.

Since you are presumably all in the same grade, there will not be a very large "spread" of ages. You had better plot the ages (x axis) and number with that age (y axis) to the nearest month, not year.

You should get a "scatter" type plot with an approximately bell curve shape

This is AXIA math and there is no way to get a group unless the instructors predetermine them. VERY STUPID question for online school.

To find the age, to the nearest month, of the people in your class, you would need to collect the birthdates of each person in the class. This could be done by asking each individual for their birthdate or by gathering the information through a survey or registration process.

Once you have the birthdates, you can calculate the average age in months by summing up the ages of all the individuals and dividing by the total number of people in the class. Let's assume the average age in months is 200 months.

To represent the ages of each person in relation to the average, you can use positive and negative numbers. Positive numbers would indicate ages greater than the average, while negative numbers would indicate ages less than the average. You can subtract the average age in months from each person's age to get their age in relation to the average.

For example, if someone's age is 210 months, their age in relation to the average would be +10. If someone's age is 190 months, their age in relation to the average would be -10. You can continue this process for each individual in the class.

To visually display this information, you could create a bar chart or a column chart. The x-axis would represent the individuals in the class, and the y-axis would represent their ages in relation to the average. The positive and negative numbers would be displayed as bars or columns above or below the zero line, respectively.

By communicating the data in this way, you can easily compare the ages of individuals in relation to the average. It allows you to see who is older or younger than the average, and by how much. This visual representation can provide insight into the distribution of ages within the class and highlight any patterns or outliers.

Through this process, you can conclude various observations about the ages in your class. You might find that most people are relatively close to the average age, with a few outliers on either end. You could also discover any clusters or patterns among the ages. This visual representation helps to convey the diversity or similarity in the ages of the individuals in your class.