Translate and solve. A number n increased by 1/4 gives 1/9. Find n. (Points: 5)

n= -5/36
is it B


wooooohooooooooo!!!!! thanks so mch

Yay!!! You're welcome! :-)

To solve this problem, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up an equation to represent the given information.
Let's assume the number is "n". According to the problem, when n is increased by 1/4, it gives 1/9. So, the equation can be written as:
n + 1/4 = 1/9

Step 2: Simplify the equation.
To solve the equation, we need to simplify it first. We can start by getting rid of the fractions by multiplying each term by the least common denominator (LCD), which is 36:
36 * (n + 1/4) = 36 * (1/9)

This simplifies as:
9n + 9/4 = 4

Step 3: Solve the equation.
Now, we can isolate the variable by subtracting 9/4 from both sides of the equation:
9n = 4 - 9/4

To subtract fractions, we need to have a common denominator, which is 4 in this case. So:
9n = (16/4) - (9/4)
9n = 7/4

And finally, we can solve for n by dividing both sides of the equation by 9:
n = (7/4) / 9
n = 7/4 * 1/9
n = 7/36

So, the correct answer is n = 7/36. Therefore, the option chosen (B) is correct.