How do I figure out the dimensions of each room in a 1200 square foot house with a closet and bathroom the same size, a big family room, and two circular bedrooms?

To figure out the dimensions of each room in a 1200 square foot house, let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by deciding on the distribution of the square footage. In this case, you mentioned a closet and bathroom that are the same size, a big family room, and two circular bedrooms. Let's assume that the closet, bathroom, family room, and bedrooms occupy the entire 1200 square feet.

2. Determine the square footage for each room. Since the closet and bathroom are the same size, let's divide the total square footage equally among them. So each of these rooms will have an area of 1200 / 4 = 300 square feet.

3. Calculate the dimensions of the square rooms. Since the area of a rectangle is length times width, we need to find the length and width of the closet and bathroom.

4. To find the length and width, there are several options. If you already know a specific ratio between the length and width (e.g., 3:2 or 4:3), you can apply that ratio. Alternatively, if you have any additional information, such as constraints or preferences, they can be used to define the dimensions. In the absence of such information, we can assume a square shape for simplicity.

5. For a square room, the length and width are equal. Therefore, each side of the square would be the square root of the area. In this case, the length and width of the closet and bathroom would be √300 ≈ 17.32 feet.

6. Moving on to the big family room, subtract the square footage of the closet, bathroom, and two bedrooms from the total square footage. This gives us 1200 - (2 * 300) = 600 square feet for the family room.

7. The family room is not specified as a particular shape, so you have more flexibility in choosing its dimensions. Here you can define the length and width according to your preferences or constraints, keeping in mind that the area should be 600 square feet.

8. Lastly, we have the two circular bedrooms. Divide the remaining square footage equally between the two bedrooms. So each bedroom would have an area of 600 / 2 = 300 square feet.

9. To find the radius of a circle given the area, you can use the formula A = πr^2, where A is the area and r is the radius. Rearranging the formula, we have r = √(A/π). In this case, the radius of each bedroom would be √(300/π) ≈ 9.70 feet.

So, based on these calculations, each room in the 1200 square foot house would have the following dimensions:
- Closet and bathroom: Approximately 17.32 feet by 17.32 feet
- Family room: Variable, based on personal preference or constraints, but should have an area of 600 square feet
- Bedrooms: Circular with a radius of approximately 9.70 feet.