flowers for algernon trail play

what are some questions to ask if you
are the prosecution in the play to the
doctors who did the operashun on
Charlie in the story

If you are playing the role of the prosecution in a "Flowers for Algernon" trial play and want to question the doctors who performed the operation on Charlie, here are some questions you can ask:

1. Doctor, can you please explain to the court what the purpose of the operation on Charlie was?
To get this answer, carefully analyze the text of the play or the original novel, "Flowers for Algernon," to understand the main objective of the operation.

2. Doctor, did you inform Charlie about the potential risks and side effects that could arise from the operation?
To address this question, consider the scene where the doctors discuss the procedure with Charlie and what information was disclosed to him.

3. Doctor, what was Charlie's mental state and IQ at the time of the surgery?
For this question, refer to the moments in the story that describe Charlie's intellectual capabilities before the operation and examine his transformation afterward.

4. Doctor, did you evaluate whether Charlie fully understood the long-term consequences and implications of the surgery?
Look for instances in the play or book where the doctors may have discussed the potential impact of the operation, both positive and negative, with Charlie.

5. Doctor, did you consider any alternative treatments or therapies before deciding on the operation?
By reviewing the textual evidence, determine if the doctors explored different options or if the surgery was presented as the only viable course of action.

6. Doctor, were there any indications or warnings that Charlie's condition might deteriorate after the operation?
To answer this question, analyze the events following the operation, paying attention to any negative effects or changes in Charlie's behavior, emotions, or mental health.

Remember, to effectively play the prosecution, you should closely read and familiarize yourself with the play or novel's content, paying attention to the motivations and actions of the doctors involved in Charlie's operation.