How many grams of FeSo4 are required to prepare 0.50 L of a 0.010 M FeSO4 solution?

I don't need the answer just shown how to do it! thanks

Look at the units!

so, given: 0.010 mol/L and 0.50 L
take the product of (0.010 mol/L)(0.50 L) to get mol of FeSO4. To get grams, multiply by the molar mass of FeSO4

To calculate the number of grams of FeSO4 required to prepare the solution, you need to use the formula:

Number of moles = concentration (in mol/L) × volume (in L)

Step 1: Write down the given values:
- Concentration (C) = 0.010 M
- Volume (V) = 0.50 L

Step 2: Convert the volume into liters:
0.50 L = 0.50 L

Step 3: Substitute the values into the formula:
Number of moles = 0.010 M × 0.50 L

Step 4: Calculate the number of moles:
Number of moles = 0.005 mol

Step 5: Determine the molar mass of FeSO4:
FeSO4 has a molar mass of 151.9 g/mol.

Step 6: Use the relation between moles and grams:
Number of grams of FeSO4 = Number of moles × Molar mass

Step 7: Calculate the grams of FeSO4:
Number of grams of FeSO4 = 0.005 mol × 151.9 g/mol

Therefore, the number of grams of FeSO4 required to prepare 0.50 L of a 0.010 M FeSO4 solution is 0.7595 grams.

To determine the number of grams of FeSO4 required to prepare a 0.010 M FeSO4 solution, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the molar mass of FeSO4
The molar mass of FeSO4 can be calculated by adding up the atomic masses of its constituent elements.
The atomic masses are as follows:
Fe (Iron) = 55.845 g/mol
S (Sulfur) = 32.06 g/mol
O (Oxygen) = 16.00 g/mol
Now, calculate the molar mass of FeSO4:
Molar mass of FeSO4 = (1 * Fe) + (1 * S) + (4 * O)

Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of FeSO4 required
To find the number of moles needed, we can use the formula:
moles = Molarity * Volume
Given that the volume is 0.50 L and the molarity is 0.010 M, the equation becomes:
moles of FeSO4 = 0.010 mol/L * 0.50 L

Step 3: Convert moles to grams
To convert moles to grams, multiply the number of moles by the molar mass of FeSO4 calculated in Step 1:
grams of FeSO4 = moles of FeSO4 * molar mass of FeSO4

By following these steps, you'll be able to determine the mass of FeSO4 required to prepare the given FeSO4 solution.