1. The element of argumentation that deals with the listeners desire to trust and believe in the speaker is called

a. ethos
b. pathos
c. logos
d. mythos

One element of argumentation involves an appeal to the logical and rational side of human beings. This element is called

a. ethos
b. pathos
c. logos
d. mythos

One element of argumentation involves an appeal to the logical and rational side of human beings. This element is called
a. ethos
b. pathos
c. logos
d. mythos

We'll be glad to check your answers.

i got this answers i don't know if their write though

1.c logos
3.b. pathos

2. is correct. 1. is wrong. 3. is the same question as 2.

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The element of argumentation that deals with the listener's desire to trust and believe in the speaker is called ethos (option a).

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concept of ethos in argumentation. Ethos is one of the three rhetorical appeals, alongside pathos and logos. It refers to the credibility, trustworthiness, and authority of the speaker. Ethos is built through factors such as expertise, experience, reputation, and shared values with the audience. When a speaker establishes ethos, it increases the likelihood that the audience will trust and believe in their arguments.

The element of argumentation that involves an appeal to the logical and rational side of human beings is called logos (option c).

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concept of logos in argumentation. Logos refers to the logical reasoning and evidence used to support an argument. It involves presenting facts, statistics, examples, and logical reasoning to persuade the audience. By making use of sound logic and objective evidence, speakers can appeal to the audience's rationality and logic, increasing the persuasiveness of their arguments.

Therefore, the correct answers are:
1. The element of argumentation that deals with the listener's desire to trust and believe in the speaker is called ethos (option a).
2. The element of argumentation that involves an appeal to the logical and rational side of human beings is called logos (option c).