Joe wants to draw a triangle.the lengths are 5cm,12cm,and 13cm.

A:will joe be able to draw the triangle?why or why not?

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Yes, that will actually be a right triangle. You can do the pythagorean theorem to check it.

To determine if Joe will be able to draw a triangle with side lengths of 5cm, 12cm, and 13cm, we can use the Triangle Inequality Theorem. The theorem states that for any triangle, the sum of the lengths of any two sides must be greater than the length of the third side.

In this case, let's check if the lengths satisfy the inequality:

1. 5cm + 12cm > 13cm? (17cm > 13cm) - True.
2. 5cm + 13cm > 12cm? (18cm > 12cm) - True.
3. 12cm + 13cm > 5cm? (25cm > 5cm) - True.

Since all three conditions are true, Joe will be able to draw a triangle with side lengths of 5cm, 12cm, and 13cm. The lengths satisfy the Triangle Inequality Theorem, which indicates that a triangle can be formed.