I need help writing an analytical thesis statement.

The topic is
-Analyze the main problems facing the United States under the Articles of Confederation. How far did the US Constitution solve them?-
I have a crappy thesis right now

"The articles of Confederation caused many political and economic problems for the union while the Constitution resolved the political and economic problems it caused social tensions within the United States."

I need someone to help me make it analytical, any ideas?

It's not a thesis statement because you have stated only facts. You haven't included your stance on the topic.


Sure! I'd be happy to help you make your thesis statement more analytical. To create an analytical thesis statement, you need to focus on specific aspects or arguments that you will analyze and evaluate in your essay. Let's break down your existing thesis statement and see how we can make it more analytical.

Original thesis: "The Articles of Confederation caused many political and economic problems for the union while the Constitution resolved the political and economic problems it caused social tensions within the United States."

Analytical thesis: "By examining the political, economic, and social repercussions of the Articles of Confederation, this analysis will evaluate the extent to which the United States Constitution successfully addressed these issues and its impact on social harmony."

1. Use clear and specific language: Include terms like "examine," "evaluate," and "repercussions" to indicate the analytical nature of your thesis statement.
2. Highlight the specific aspects: Mention the political, economic, and social dimensions of the problems caused by the Articles of Confederation to narrow your focus and highlight the areas you will analyze.
3. Emphasize the evaluation: Make it clear that you will assess the effectiveness of the Constitution in addressing the problems identified in the previous sentence.
4. Introduce the broader impact: Mention the impact on social harmony to indicate that you will be taking a holistic approach to evaluating the Constitution's resolution of the issues.

Remember, this revised thesis statement serves as a roadmap for your essay, guiding the analysis and evaluation of the main problems faced under the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution's solutions.