Excume me but this is my second time posting this question. could you please help me, by telling me which properties are most useful foor identifing minerals and why? The choices are:






I think the answer is color/luster, streak and hardness.

You are on the right track! The properties that you mentioned are indeed important for identifying minerals. Let's go through each of them:

a. Shape: While the shape of a mineral can sometimes provide clues about its identity, it is not always a reliable characteristic for identification purposes. Minerals can come in various shapes, and many minerals can have similar shapes.

b. Luster/Color: Luster refers to how a mineral reflects light, and color is, of course, the visible color of the mineral. Both luster and color can be helpful for initial identification of minerals, as they are often distinct and can vary significantly between different minerals.

c. Density: Density is a measurement of how much mass is packed into a specific volume. It can be useful for identifying minerals because different minerals have different densities. However, determining density usually requires specific equipment, so it may not be as accessible for everyday identification purposes.

d. Hardness: Hardness refers to the resistance of a mineral to scratching. It is one of the most useful properties for mineral identification. The Mohs Hardness Scale is often used to determine the hardness of minerals. It consists of a scale from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest), with each mineral being compared to a known set of minerals to determine its hardness.

e. Streak: Streak refers to the color of the powdered form of a mineral. To determine the streak, you can rub the mineral on an unglazed tile or a streak plate to produce a streak of powdered mineral. Streak can sometimes be more consistent and reliable than the color of the mineral itself, as minerals might have different colored exteriors but produce the same colored streak.

In summary, the correct properties that are most useful for identifying minerals are color/luster, hardness, and streak. These properties can provide valuable information to narrow down the possibilities and help in the identification of specific minerals.