Fill in the blank with the correct word.

1.Regardless of what others say,I would
advise you to_________ to George's

2.All things considered_______ not a
bad day,since morale is excellent.
(it's, its)

The apostrophe means it's is a contraction for it is.

I know it's is an apostrophe for it is.
But would I use it's (it is or its) in the sentence,because both would be correct,but,I can only use one of the words.

Its is the possessive.
It's is a contraction for it is.
It's (it is) time to go home.
I kicked its head. (Does it make sense to say "I kicked it's head"?)

1. To fill in the blank in the first sentence, we need to determine whether to use "defer" or "differ."

To do this, we can consider the context of the sentence. We are advised to do something based on George's judgment, which suggests that we should follow George's opinion or decision.

The correct answer is "defer" because it means to submit or yield to someone's judgment, decision, or authority. Therefore, the correct sentence would be: "Regardless of what others say, I would advise you to defer to George's judgment."

2. To fill in the blank in the second sentence, we need to determine whether to use "it's" or "its."

To do this, we need to understand the difference between the two:

- "It's" is a contraction for "it is" or "it has."
- "Its" is the possessive form of "it."

In the given sentence, we are referring to "not a bad day" and indicating that "morale is excellent." We are using a possessive form to describe something that belongs to the day.

The correct answer is "its" because we are using the possessive form to describe the good morale belonging to the day. Therefore, the correct sentence would be: "All things considered, its not a bad day since morale is excellent."