the primary audience for your mrssage is made up of?

a. decision makers or opinion molders in an organization

b. everyone who receives it

c. individuals with highest status in an organization

d. people who represent the opinions or attitudes of the majority

Which do YOU THINK is correct?

I think your question is incomplete. What are you writing? In what does your message show up? Is it a letter to a particular business's president?


It's hard to say without knowing more about that question. Did you post the entire question??

The primary audience for a message can vary depending on the context and purpose of the communication. However, among the given options, the most likely answer is:

a. decision makers or opinion molders in an organization

To determine the primary audience for your message, you should consider who has the authority or influence to make decisions or shape opinions within the context of your communication. This could include executives, managers, supervisors, or any individuals who have the power to either make decisions or have a significant impact on the organization or its stakeholders.

To identify this primary audience, you can start by analyzing the organizational structure and hierarchy to determine who holds decision-making power. You can also consider the individuals who possess the relevant expertise or knowledge in the topic you are addressing. Additionally, understanding the goals and objectives of your message will help you identify the specific individuals who need to receive and act upon your communication.