what is rinétede, ropterég and miénocoser? plz anser! thx :)

First of all, you should have asked for those words to be UNSCRAMBLED. There are certainly no French words looking like what you typed!

rinétede = 3 choices: dentier, detenir, teindre

ropterég = nothing whatsoever. Please verify the spelling and that there are 8 letters

miénocoser = same as the 2nd word.

Sra (aka Mme)

protéger, économiser

rinétede : éteindre (to put out, to switch off)

ropterég : protéger (to protect)
miénocoser : économiser (to save, to economize)

I'm sorry, but the terms "rinétede," "ropterég," and "miénocoser" don't seem to correspond to any known words or concepts. It's possible that these words may be misspelled or are not part of any widely recognized language or field of study.

To get more accurate information or clarification on these terms, you can try the following:

1. Double-check the spelling: Verify that the terms are spelled correctly. A small change in the arrangement of letters could yield different results.

2. Contextualize the words: Determine if these terms are related to a specific topic, industry, or field of study. Additional information or context may help to understand their meaning or origin.

3. Conduct a web search: Use a search engine like Google or Bing to search for the terms. Include any relevant context you might have to narrow down the search results and find potential explanations or references.

4. Consult experts or specialized communities: If you believe these terms are related to a particular domain, consider reaching out to subject matter experts or posting your question on relevant forums or discussion boards.

Remember that providing more information or context about these terms will greatly increase the chances of obtaining a meaningful and accurate answer.