1) A strategy for health promotion among infants toddlers and young children focuses on educational programs physical fitness activities and

a. family planning
b.tobacco,alcohol, and drug use.
d.mental health & menta disorders.

2)The main goal of effective health education programs for young children is to

a.provide children with the knowledge necessary to eat 7 excercise properly.
b.promote critical-thinking skills,behaviors, and attitudes.
c.teach children that authority figures are their best guides to a healthy lifestyle.
d.provide children with good environmental models of healthy lifestyles.

3)one reason early childhood education centers have become increqsingly important providers of health education is that

a.schools are more sanitary than 70 percent of home environments.
b.younger, healthier teachers & classrooms aides have emerged.
c. physical education programs in nationwide elementary,middle, and high schools have declined.
d.working parents are spending less time at home with their children.

4)Growth,maturation,and learning are used interchangeably with the term


5)the interaction between a child's biological makeup and the environmental influences that affect his or her development and behavior is called the

a.balanced systems approach
b.ecological systems theory
c.body in the classroom analysis
d.me/them dynamic

6) alcohol,drugs,radiation,and pollutants that affect a child development are called

b.toxic inhibitors
c.tranferal agents.

7) A main source of fat & saturated fatty acids in childre's diet is

c.whole milk
d.french fries

8)------- have more than twice many calories as do proteins or carbohydrates.

b.salty foods

9)when a child not only throws a ball farther than she had previously, but also changes the way the throws the ball, the change is called


10) monstrates an inability to leap over a barrier, his teacher checks to see if he has masterd the skills of jumping down from a height and jumping for distance. In doing this, the teacher is

a. applying a development perspective.
b. measuring the child's confidence level.
c.having a negative effect on the child's self-esteem
d. sequencing motor change.

11)Neuron development and elaboration, which oocurs between birth and age 10, is prmpted by

a. aural prompts from family,school,and environment.
b. physical movement on the part of the child.
c. intake of foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
d.exposures to different temperatures, surfaces, and substances.

12) what are the 3 main factors in a readiness model?

a.maturation, learning, and motivation
b.height, weight, and age
c. psychological, social and physical.
d. age, intelligence, and agility

13) which of the following are the 3 major types of knowledge identified by piaget?

a.subjective, objective, and hyperconscious
b.micro,meso and exo
c.physical,logical-mathematical, and social.
d.linguistic, physiological, and arithmetical

14) A child practices tossing a ball into a hoop from the same distance each day what type of knowledge is he using?


15) children should be physically active-------adults.

a.less than
b.more than
c.twice as much as
d.the same amount as

16) at the sensorimotor level of cognitive dev elopment, a child

a.can move her arms,legs,and headd, but cant move her body over distance.
b.can achieve short bursts of speed and strength but cant sustain them.
c.depends mostly on visual cues from adults for information about the environment.
d.learns through movement by interacting with the environment.

17) Encouraging children to eat certain foods their families enjoy around holidays is an example of

a.promoting unscientific,potentially nonnutritious eating habits.
b.showing respect for ethic and cultural differences.
c.creating barriers between children of different ethnic and religious backgrounds.
d.fostering dependence on highly processed foodstuffs.

18)children's genetically prescribed tastes in foods are affected by the

a.foods they're exposed to by their culture.
b.amounts of caloric energy they expend in between meals and snacks.
c.quality of the air they breathe and water they drink.
d.freshness index of the food provided to them.

19) complete proteins can be found in
a.beans,rice, and nuts
b.only beef
c.citrus fruits, and highly acidic vegetables
d. meat,fish,poultry,and dairy.

20) fats should not account for more than ___ percent of total daily calories.


here are my answers

please can you check them? rhanks :O)

I don't know the answers to: 6, 10, 12, 16, and 20.

These are incorrect: 5, 11, 13.

The rest are correct.

I'm working on this for my current studies and found these answers from the first 2 chapters and some research online.

1) C
2) B
3) D
4) A
6) A
7) A
9) D
12) A
13) C
19) C
20) B

The reason I say D for 3 is because it says right in my text that the parents spent less time at home because they are working with two parents instead of just one.



Sure! Here are the correct answers to your questions:

1) The correct answer is c. Nutrition.
Explanation: A strategy for health promotion among infants, toddlers, and young children focuses on educational programs, physical fitness activities, and nutrition.

2) The correct answer is b. Promote critical-thinking skills, behaviors, and attitudes.
Explanation: The main goal of effective health education programs for young children is to promote critical-thinking skills, behaviors, and attitudes.

3) The correct answer is d. Working parents are spending less time at home with their children.
Explanation: One reason early childhood education centers have become increasingly important providers of health education is that working parents are spending less time at home with their children.

4) The correct answer is a. Development.
Explanation: Growth, maturation, and learning are used interchangeably with the term "development."

5) The correct answer is b. Ecological systems theory.
Explanation: The interaction between a child's biological makeup and the environmental influences that affect his or her development and behavior is called the ecological systems theory.

6) The correct answer is a. Teratogens.
Explanation: Alcohol, drugs, radiation, and pollutants that affect a child's development are called teratogens.

7) The correct answer is a. Meat.
Explanation: A main source of fat and saturated fatty acids in children's diet is meat.

8) The correct answer is a. Fats.
Explanation: Fats have more than twice as many calories as proteins or carbohydrates.

9) The correct answer is d. Qualitative.
Explanation: When a child not only throws a ball farther than she had previously but also changes the way she throws the ball, the change is called qualitative.

10) The correct answer is d. Sequencing motor change.
Explanation: When a child demonstrates an inability to leap over a barrier, his teacher checks to see if he has mastered the skills of jumping down from a height and jumping for distance. In doing this, the teacher is sequencing motor change.

11) The correct answer is b. Physical movement on the part of the child.
Explanation: Neuron development and elaboration, which occurs between birth and age 10, are prompted by physical movement on the part of the child.

12) The correct answer is c. Psychological, social, and physical.
Explanation: The three main factors in a readiness model are psychological, social, and physical.

13) The correct answer is c. Physical, logical-mathematical, and social.
Explanation: The three major types of knowledge identified by Piaget are physical, logical-mathematical, and social.

14) The correct answer is a. Adaptive.
Explanation: When a child practices tossing a ball into a hoop from the same distance each day, he is using adaptive knowledge.

15) The correct answer is b. More than.
Explanation: Children should be physically active more than adults.

16) The correct answer is d. Learns through movement by interacting with the environment.
Explanation: At the sensorimotor level of cognitive development, a child learns through movement by interacting with the environment.

17) The correct answer is b. Showing respect for ethnic and cultural differences.
Explanation: Encouraging children to eat certain foods their families enjoy around holidays is an example of showing respect for ethnic and cultural differences.

18) The correct answer is a. Foods they're exposed to by their culture.
Explanation: Children's genetically prescribed tastes in foods are affected by the foods they're exposed to by their culture.

19) The correct answer is d. Meat, fish, poultry, and dairy.
Explanation: Complete proteins can be found in meat, fish, poultry, and dairy.

20) The correct answer is b. 30.
Explanation: Fats should not account for more than 30 percent of total daily calories.