the declaration of the rights of man issued during the french revolution of 1789-

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The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, also known as the Declaration of Rights, was a fundamental document issued during the French Revolution in 1789. It was a product of the Enlightenment and aimed to establish the fundamental rights of the French people.

To understand the Declaration of the Rights of Man, it's important to explore the historical context and the events leading up to its issuance. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Start with the French Revolution: Begin by researching the French Revolution of 1789. Learn about the causes, such as social inequality, political unrest, and financial crisis, which led to a widespread desire for change among the French population.

2. Study the Enlightenment: Familiarize yourself with the Enlightenment movement, which heavily influenced the ideas behind the Declaration. Research key figures like Voltaire, Rousseau, and Montesquieu, who advocated for concepts such as individual rights and limited government.

3. Explore the Estates General: Understand the role of the Estates General, a representative body consisting of the three estates (clergy, nobility, and commoners), in the lead up to the French Revolution. Explore why the Third Estate, representing the commoners, demanded equal rights and participation in government.

4. Research the National Assembly: Learn about the National Assembly, an assembly formed by the Third Estate in response to the unequal representation in the Estates General. Explore their struggle for a new constitution and equal rights for all citizens.

5. Learn about the Declaration's drafting process: Research how the Declaration of the Rights of Man was drafted. Discover the involvement of key figures like the Marquis de Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson, and the Committee of the National Assembly.

6. Analyze the Declaration: Read the actual text of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Analyze its main articles, such as the idea of natural rights, including liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. Understand its influence on other similar declarations, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

By following these steps, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the historical context in which it was issued.