determine the number of scoops per coneso each of the 88 students at an ice cream party has a different pattern of chocolate and vanilla ice-cream scoops.

To determine the number of scoops per cone for each of the 88 students, we need to consider that each student has a different pattern of chocolate and vanilla ice-cream scoops.

To find the number of scoops per cone, we need to know the total number of scoops each student has and divide it by the number of cones they have. Let's assume each student has 3 cones.

Now, we know that each student has a different pattern of scoops, so let's assume each student has a random combination of chocolate and vanilla scoops on their cones.

To calculate the number of scoops per cone, we need to know the total number of scoops. Let's assume each student has 5 scoops in total.

So, each student has 3 cones and 5 scoops in total. To find the number of scoops per cone, we divide the total number of scoops (5) by the number of cones (3).

Scoops per cone = Total scoops / Number of cones

Scoops per cone = 5 / 3

The result is a decimal number, which means each student will have an average of approximately 1.67 scoops per cone.

Please note that this calculation assumes each student has the same number of cones (3) and scoops (5), but with different patterns of flavors on each cone. If the number of cones or scoops varies from student to student, you would need additional information to determine the exact number of scoops per cone for each student.