complete the sentences with the correct demonstrative adjectives - I answered below the questions are my answers correct?

______(that) camisa del algodon no? Prefiero cosas de algondon. Que piensas de ______ (these) pantalones?

1. esa 2. estos

Ya no tiene ______ (those) pantalones en casa?

1. esos

Tengo unos pantalones muy similares. Hmm, ______ (these) sandalias son muy comodas. Que piensas to?

1. estas

No hacen juego con (match) _____(that)
blusa. La blusa es demasiado formal.

1. esa

¡Buenas noches, Sam! Perfecto. The only problem was in the 3rd one "Que piensas to" should be ¿Qué piensas tú?



Yes, your answers are correct:

1. Esa
2. Estos
3. Esos
4. Estas
5. Esa

To determine if your answers are correct, we need to understand the usage of demonstrative adjectives. Demonstrative adjectives are used to indicate and point out specific people or things.

Let's review your answers:

1. "(that) camisa del algodón no? Prefiero cosas de algodón. Que piensas de (these) pantalones?"

Your answer: 1. esa 2. estos

Explanation: The correct answers are "esa" for "(that) camisa del algodón" and "estos" for "(these) pantalones." Demonstrative adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. Since "camisa" is feminine and singular, we use the feminine singular form "esa." For "pantalones," we use the masculine plural form "estos" since it is masculine and plural.

2. "Ya no tiene (those) pantalones en casa?"

Your answer: 1. esos

Explanation: Your answer is correct. Since "pantalones" is masculine and plural, we use the masculine plural form "esos."

3. "Tengo unos pantalones muy similares. Hmm, (these) sandalias son muy cómodas. ¿Qué piensas tú?"

Your answer: 1. estas

Explanation: Your answer is correct. Since "sandalias" is feminine and plural, we use the feminine plural form "estas."

4. "No hacen juego con (that) blusa. La blusa es demasiado formal."

Your answer: 1. esa

Explanation: Your answer is correct. Since "blusa" is feminine and singular, we use the feminine singular form "esa."

Overall, your answers are correct. Well done!