How would you write a algerbraic expression depicting the cost of renting a car for (n) days if the daily charge is $24.98 plus 12 cents a mile?

Cost=24.92N+ .12M

To write an algebraic expression depicting the cost of renting a car for (n) days with a daily charge of $24.98 plus 12 cents per mile, follow these steps:

1. Start with the daily charge of $24.98.
2. Multiply the number of days (n) by the daily charge to get the base cost for the number of days: n * $24.98.
3. Multiply the number of miles by 0.12 to find the cost for the total number of miles traveled: 0.12 * number of miles.
4. Add the base cost for the days to the cost for the miles to get the total cost:
Total Cost = (n * $24.98) + (0.12 * number of miles).

Thus, the algebraic expression depicting the cost of renting a car for (n) days with a daily charge of $24.98 plus 12 cents per mile is:
Total Cost = (n * $24.98) + (0.12 * number of miles).

To write an algebraic expression depicting the cost of renting a car for (n) days, given a daily charge of $24.98 plus 12 cents per mile, we need to consider the total cost based on the number of days and the miles driven.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. The daily charge is $24.98. We can simply multiply the number of days (n) by this daily charge:
Cost for days = n * $24.98

2. The additional cost per mile is 12 cents. So, we need to multiply the number of miles driven (let's represent it as m) by 0.12 to calculate this additional cost:
Cost for miles = m * $0.12

3. To find the total cost, we can sum up the cost for days and the cost for miles:
Total Cost = Cost for days + Cost for miles

Putting it all together, the algebraic expression depicting the cost of renting a car for (n) days, with a daily charge of $24.98 plus 12 cents a mile, would be:
Total Cost = (n * $24.98) + (m * $0.12)

Remember, 'n' represents the number of days, and 'm' represents the number of miles driven.