how to subtract numbers with decimals

Line up the decimal points and proceed the same way as you would when subtracting whole numbers. Example:


It works the same when adding decimalized numbers.


1) When adding or subtracting decimals, always line up the decimals.

2) Then, just subtract like you would always do

Hope I helped..:-)

To subtract numbers with decimals, follow these steps:

Step 1: Line up the decimal points.
When subtracting numbers with decimals, it's important to line up the decimal points vertically. This makes it easier to keep the place values aligned correctly.

Step 2: Subtract like you normally would with whole numbers.
Once the decimals are lined up, you can subtract the numbers as you would with whole numbers. Start at the rightmost digit and subtract each corresponding digit from the top number to the bottom number, moving from right to left. If the digit in the top number is smaller than the digit in the bottom number, borrow from the next digit to the left.

Step 3: Bring down any remaining digits.
After subtracting the decimal digits, bring down any remaining digits from the top number, if there are any, and place them in the result.


Let's subtract 56.78 from 12.34.

- 12.34

Start from the right and subtract the decimal digits: 8 - 4 = 4, 7 - 3 = 4, 6 - 2 = 4. Then, bring down the remaining digit, which is 4.

So, 56.78 - 12.34 = 44.44.

Remember to check your answer by adding it back to the subtrahend to verify the accuracy of the subtraction.

Keep in mind that the same principles apply when adding decimals. Just line up the decimal points and add like you would with whole numbers.