Given:JG/HG =KG/IG, ∠1 ≅∠2

Prove: EF ll HI


sam..? im assuming just like the others we cannot see your documents so we don't know what the picture looks like. sorry

To prove that EF is parallel to HI, we can use the properties of angles and ratios.

JG / HG = KG / IG (1)
∠1 ≅ ∠2 (2)

To prove:
EF || HI


Step 1: Draw a diagram.
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Step 2: Understand the problem.
We aim to prove that EF is parallel to HI. This can be done using the given information about the ratios and angles.

Step 3: Use the given ratios.
From the given equation (1), we have:
JG / HG = KG / IG

This implies that the corresponding sides of the triangles JHG and KIG are proportional. By the Side-Splitter Theorem, this also means that the corresponding sides of triangles JEF and KHI are proportional.

Step 4: Apply the Angle-Angle (AA) similarity criterion.
Since ∠1 ≅ ∠2, we can use the AA similarity criterion. Corresponding angles of similar triangles are equal.

Therefore, triangles JEF and KHI are similar by AA similarity.

Step 5: Use the properties of similar triangles.
When two triangles are similar, their corresponding sides are in proportion and their corresponding angles are congruent.

Since triangles JEF and KHI are similar, the sides JE/IK, EF/KH, and JF/IH are in proportion.

Step 6: Prove that EF is parallel to HI.
To show that EF is parallel to HI, we need to prove that the ratio of corresponding sides in triangles JEF and KHI is equal.

From step 5, we know that JE/IK = EF/KH and JF/IH = EF/KH.

Since JE/IK = JF/IH and by the Transitive Property of Equality, we can conclude that JE/IK = EF/KH = JF/IH.

Therefore, by the Converse of the Corresponding Angles Postulate, EF is parallel to HI.

By using the given ratios and the property of similar triangles, we have proven that EF is parallel to HI.