kyle just started a new job that pays $7 per hour. He had been making $5 per hour at his old job. Kyle worked a total of 54 hours last month and made $388 before deductions. How many hours did he work at his new job?

lol its 2019 now

56 hours Yw

I can't do this one either! It's on my algebra test too!

To determine how many hours Kyle worked at his new job, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume Kyle worked x hours at his new job. Since he worked a total of 54 hours last month, we can express this as:

x + (54 - x) = 54

Now, let's determine the amount of money Kyle made at each job. At his old job, he made $5 per hour, so his earnings from his old job would be:

5 * (54 - x)

At his new job, he made $7 per hour, so his earnings from his new job would be:

7 * x

According to the given information, Kyle made $388 before deductions. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

5 * (54 - x) + 7 * x = 388

Let's solve this equation to find the value of x.

5 * 54 - 5 * x + 7 * x = 388
270 + 2 * x = 388
2 * x = 388 - 270
2 * x = 118
x = 118 / 2
x = 59

Therefore, Kyle worked 59 hours at his new job.