How do people with a despotism government select their leaders?

A despot is like a dictator, they dont,except by violent overthrow, usually

Ken's right -- the people generally don't choose a despot!!


In a despotism government, the selection of leaders is typically not done through any sort of democratic or participatory process. Despotism is a form of government where a single ruler holds absolute power and exercises it without any checks or limitations.

In most cases, the person who becomes the leader in a despotism government does so through means such as inheritance, military coup, or by seizing power through force. These leaders often maintain their position through fear, control, and oppression rather than by winning the support or approval of the people.

It's important to note that despotism is generally considered an authoritarian and oppressive form of government, as it disregards the principles of democracy, equality, and individual rights.