Diagram the simple subject, the simple predicate, and the direct object of each sentence. Diagram any indirect object as well.

1. People solve problems every day. People/solve/problems

2. A computer will provide answers. Computer/will/provide

3. Anidea enters your mind. Idea/enters/mind

4. You collect the information. You/collect/information

5. The method gives you the answer. method/gives/answer

6. You offer someone the results. You/offer/results

7. The operator gives the computer a problem. Operator/gives/problem

8. The computer gives you an anwser. Computer/gives/answer

9. You may check it again. You/check/again

10. The computer saves us time. computer/saves/time

incorrect: 2, 3, 9, 10

Are those your teacher's directions -- to have them in this order?

These show the standard ways to diagram direct and indirect objects:

from http://members.cox.net/teachro/diagramming/nav1.htm

yes that is how the directions say to put them

2. computer/provide/ answers

3. idea/ enters/ mind
9. you/check/it
10. computer / saves/ us

#10 should be -- computer / saves / time / us

The rest are fine.

1. People solve problems every day.

- Simple subject: People
- Simple predicate: solve
- Direct object: problems

2. A computer will provide answers.
- Simple subject: computer
- Simple predicate: will provide
- Direct object: answers

3. An idea enters your mind.
- Simple subject: idea
- Simple predicate: enters
- Direct object: mind
- Indirect object: your

4. You collect the information.
- Simple subject: You
- Simple predicate: collect
- Direct object: information

5. The method gives you the answer.
- Simple subject: method
- Simple predicate: gives
- Direct object: answer
- Indirect object: you

6. You offer someone the results.
- Simple subject: You
- Simple predicate: offer
- Direct object: results
- Indirect object: someone

7. The operator gives the computer a problem.
- Simple subject: operator
- Simple predicate: gives
- Direct object: problem
- Indirect object: computer

8. The computer gives you an answer.
- Simple subject: computer
- Simple predicate: gives
- Direct object: answer
- Indirect object: you

9. You may check it again.
- Simple subject: You
- Simple predicate: may check
- Direct object: it

10. The computer saves us time.
- Simple subject: computer
- Simple predicate: saves
- Direct object: time