what fraction strips would you use yto find the sum of 3/8 and 4/8? explain

One that was divided into eighths?

To find the sum of fractions, you can use fraction strips. Fraction strips are strips that are divided into equal parts to represent fractions visually. In this case, we need to find the sum of 3/8 and 4/8.

To represent the fraction 3/8 using fraction strips, you would need to divide the strip into eight equal parts horizontally. Then, you would need to shade in three of those parts. This represents 3/8.

Similarly, to represent the fraction 4/8, you would divide the strip into eight equal parts and shade in four of those parts.

Now, to find the sum of these fractions, you can overlap the two fraction strips. When you combine the shaded parts of both strips, you will get a strip with seven shaded parts out of a total of eight. This represents the sum of the fractions 3/8 and 4/8, which is 7/8.

So, in this case, you would need two fraction strips divided into eight equal parts each to represent the fractions 3/8 and 4/8, and then overlap them to find their sum.