how would you solve this??? in short and long form?

238 12 (4) 1
92 U + 6 C ---> 0 N + _____

If you do it this way it makes more sense although we violate a few rules of chemistry. Place the atomic mass as the subscript previous to the symbol, then (and this is the incorrect part but where the problem comes in trying to make the board do what we want it to do), place the mass number as a superscript to the right following the symbol. Thus, U with an atomic number of 92 and a mass number of 238 we would write as

92U^238. Then to work these problems we simply make the subscripts add up to the same on both sides and the superscripts add up to the same on both sides.
92U^238 +
If you will type it that way I can make sense of it and answer your question.