what's a dedication

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. In the dedication you say to/for whom the book was written. Here is one of the definitions from a dictionary: a name and often a message prefixed to a literary, musical, or artistic production in tribute to a person or cause.

To understand what a dedication is, you can consult a dictionary or glossary of literary terms. In this case, a dedication refers to a name or message that is placed at the beginning of a literary, musical, or artistic work to show tribute or honor to a person or a cause. It is a way for the author or creator to express gratitude or recognition to someone or something that has played a significant role in inspiring or supporting the work.

To find more specific information about dedications, you can refer to an English language dictionary or search for online resources that explain literary terms. This will provide you with a comprehensive definition and further examples of dedications in different contexts.