sin^-1 (12/7 sin42\[Degree])

b = sin -1 (12/7 sin 42 degrees) How do I do this?

To solve for b, which is equal to sin^-1 (12/7 * sin 42 degrees), follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the value of sin(42 degrees):
sin(42 degrees) ≈ 0.6691

Step 2: Multiply sin(42 degrees) by 12/7:
(12/7) * sin(42 degrees) ≈ (12/7) * 0.6691 ≈ 1.1474

Step 3: Take the inverse sine (sin^-1) of the result obtained in Step 2:
sin^-1(1.1474) ≈ 46.98 degrees

Therefore, b is approximately equal to 46.98 degrees.