Use semicolons or commas to revise each comma splice or fused sentence into a correct compound sentence.?

1. The group released a new CD today; however it will not be available for a
The group released a new CD today; however it will not be available for a month.
2. Two members of the Johnson family came to the picnic but neither of them
stayed for the speeches.
Two members of the Johnson family came to the picnic, but neither of them
stayed for the speeches.
3. Everyone has an accent but some accents are more recognizable than others.
Everyone has an accent, but some accents are more recognizable than others

2 and 3 are good corrections.

In 1, you need to add a comma in your corrected sentence. Where does it belong?


To revise each comma splice or fused sentence into a correct compound sentence, you can use semicolons or commas followed by coordinating conjunctions. Here's the revised version for each sentence:

1. The group released a new CD today; however, it will not be available for a month.

Explanation: In this sentence, we have two independent clauses ("The group released a new CD today" and "it will not be available for a month") separated by a comma. To correct the comma splice, we can use a semicolon to join the two independent clauses.

2. Two members of the Johnson family came to the picnic, but neither of them stayed for the speeches.

Explanation: Here, we have two independent clauses ("Two members of the Johnson family came to the picnic" and "neither of them stayed for the speeches") joined by a coordinating conjunction ("but"). Instead of a comma, we should use a comma and the coordinating conjunction "but" to correctly connect these clauses.

3. Everyone has an accent, but some accents are more recognizable than others.

Explanation: In this sentence, we have two independent clauses ("Everyone has an accent" and "some accents are more recognizable than others") separated by a comma. To correct the comma splice, we can use a comma and the coordinating conjunction "but" to correctly connect these clauses.