why is the current the same in the resistor and the thermistor in a series circuit?

thanks :)

In a series circuit, the current remains the same throughout all the components connected in series. This is because the current is constrained by the properties of the circuit and is not affected by the individual characteristics of the components.

To understand why the current remains constant, you need to consider the fundamental principle of a series circuit. In a series circuit, the same current flows through every component connected in a series because there is only one path for the current to follow. This means that the current entering one component is the same that leaves it and flows into the next component.

Now, specifically addressing the resistor and the thermistor in a series circuit, both components are connected in series, along with any other components that may be present. The resistor and the thermistor are passive electronic components that impede the flow of current to varying degrees.

The resistance of a resistor is constant and fixed. It offers a consistent level of resistance to the flow of current, generating a predictable voltage drop across it.

On the other hand, a thermistor is a special type of resistor that varies its resistance with changes in temperature. As the temperature changes, the thermistor's resistance can increase or decrease depending on its NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) or PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) characteristics.

Despite the different resistance behaviors of the resistor and the thermistor, the current flowing through both components remains the same in a series circuit. This is due to the fixed flow of electrons constrained by the series circuit configuration, ensuring that the same current passes through all components connected in series.

So, in summary, the current is the same in the resistor and the thermistor in a series circuit because the current is constant throughout all components in a series, irrespective of their individual characteristics or resistance values.