bernardo folds the 2 top corners of a rectanglular piece of paper to form 2 conguent triangles and an isosceles trapezoid. The triangles each have an angle that measures 65.

what are the measures of the 2 top angles in the trapezoid?

a. 25 and 25 because 65 + 25=90
b. 115 and 115 because 65 + 115=180
c.130 and 130 ecause 65 + 65=130
d. 25 and 65 because 65 + 25=90

To solve this problem, we need to understand the properties of the angles formed by folding the paper.

When folding the rectangular piece of paper, the two top corners fold to form two congruent triangles. Since each triangle has an angle that measures 65°, we can conclude that the other two angles in each triangle must measure 180° - 65° = 115°.

The trapezoid is formed by joining the bases of the folded triangles. Since the triangles are congruent, the top angles in the trapezoid are equal to the angles in the triangles.

Therefore, the measures of the two top angles in the trapezoid are 115° and 115°.

The correct answer is option b.