Peace Like a River by Leif Enger HELP PLEASE!?

In Peace Like a River by Leif Enger how are Jape Waltzer and Davy Land similar and different?

To analyze the similarities and differences between two characters, Jape Waltzer and Davy Land, in the novel "Peace Like a River" by Leif Enger, we can follow these steps:

1. Read the novel thoroughly: Start by reading the book carefully, paying close attention to the descriptions, actions, and interactions of both characters - Jape Waltzer and Davy Land. This will help you gather all the necessary information for your analysis.

2. Create a character profile for Jape Waltzer: Take notes on Jape Waltzer's background, personality traits, beliefs, motivations, and key events involving him in the story.

3. Create a character profile for Davy Land: Similarly, gather information on Davy Land's background, personality traits, beliefs, motivations, and key events involving him in the story. Note how his character develops throughout the book.

4. Identify similarities: Compare the character profiles you created for Jape Waltzer and Davy Land. Look for similarities in their backgrounds, such as their upbringing, family situations, or personal experiences, that may have influenced their actions and choices in the novel. Also, consider any shared personality traits, beliefs, or values they exhibit.

5. Identify differences: In contrast, note any significant differences between Jape Waltzer and Davy Land in terms of their personalities, motivations, beliefs, or actions. Pay attention to how these differences may create conflicts or contrasts within the story.

6. Analyze their roles in the story: Consider the impact of Jape Waltzer and Davy Land on the overall storyline. How do their actions and choices shape the events of the novel? Are there any particular themes or messages that emerge through their characters?

7. Support your analysis with evidence: As you discuss the similarities and differences between Jape Waltzer and Davy Land, make sure to provide specific examples from the text to back up your claims. Quotations or paraphrases that illustrate their similarities and differences will strengthen your analysis.

Remember, this step-by-step process can help you analyze and compare the characters Jape Waltzer and Davy Land in "Peace Like a River" effectively. Good luck!