Tara's bank account contains $250.00. She made only one deposit exactly one year ago. The bank account pays a simple interest rate of 8%. How much money did Tara deposit in the account one year ago?

1.08x = 250

x = 250/1.08
x = ?




To find out how much money Tara deposited in the account one year ago, we can use the formula for simple interest:

Simple Interest = Principal * Interest Rate * Time

We are given that the current balance (Principal) in Tara's bank account is $250.00 and the interest rate (Interest Rate) is 8%. We need to find the amount of money (Principal) she originally deposited.

Let's plug the given values into the formula and solve for Principal:

Simple Interest = Principal * Interest Rate * Time
$250.00 = Principal * 0.08 * 1

Now, let's isolate Principal:

Principal = $250.00 / (0.08 * 1)
Principal = $250.00 / 0.08
Principal = $3125.00

Therefore, Tara originally deposited $3125.00 in the account one year ago.