Kenneth works for albertsons as a cashier. He earns $9.25 per hours and he works 20 hours each week. Write an expression that could be used to determine his total earnings for 1 year


To determine Kenneth's total earnings for 1 year, we need to consider his hourly wage and weekly working hours.

First, we can calculate his weekly earnings by multiplying his hourly wage by the number of hours he works in a week:
Weekly earnings = Hourly wage * Weekly hours

In this case, Kenneth's hourly wage is $9.25, and he works for 20 hours each week. So we can substitute these values into the equation:
Weekly earnings = $9.25 * 20

Next, we need to calculate his annual earnings. Since there are 52 weeks in a year, we can multiply his weekly earnings by 52 to get the annual earnings:
Annual earnings = Weekly earnings * Weeks in a year

Substituting the value for weekly earnings, we can calculate Kenneth's total earnings for 1 year:
Annual earnings = ($9.25 * 20) * 52

Simplifying the expression further:
Annual earnings = $185 * 52

Thus, the expression that could be used to determine Kenneth's total earnings for 1 year is $185 * 52.