Mrs. Jones bought 3 1/2 pounds of ajita meat at $2.50 per pound, 1 3/4 pounds of pinto beans and a package of tortillas for $2.23. She gave the cashier 20.00. What other information is needed to find the correct change Mrs.Jones will receive?

We need to know the price of the beans.

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The question doesn't ask for an expression.

To find the correct change Mrs. Jones will receive, we need to calculate the total cost of her purchase and then subtract it from the amount she gave to the cashier.

First, let's calculate the cost of ajita meat:
Mrs. Jones bought 3 1/2 pounds of ajita meat at $2.50 per pound. To find the cost, we multiply the weight by the price per pound:
3 1/2 pounds = 7/2 pounds
Cost of ajita meat = 7/2 pounds * $2.50/pound

Next, let's calculate the cost of pinto beans:
Mrs. Jones bought 1 3/4 pounds of pinto beans. To find the cost, we multiply the weight by the price per pound:
1 3/4 pounds = 7/4 pounds
Cost of pinto beans = 7/4 pounds * price per pound

Now, let's calculate the total cost of her purchase by adding the cost of ajita meat, pinto beans, and the tortillas:
Total cost = Cost of ajita meat + Cost of pinto beans + Cost of tortillas

Finally, we subtract the total cost from the amount Mrs. Jones gave to the cashier to find the change:
Change = Amount given to cashier - Total cost

So, the additional information needed to find the correct change is the price per pound of ajita meat and the price per pound of pinto beans.