What is the theoretical justifaction for the order of reaction rates of a cycloalkane, cycloalkene, and benzene?

The order of reaction rates for cycloalkanes, cycloalkenes, and benzene can be explained based on the reactivity and stability of these compounds.

To determine the order of reaction rates, we need to consider two important factors: the presence of pi bonds and ring strain.

Cycloalkanes do not have any pi bonds and are relatively stable compared to cycloalkenes and benzene. They undergo reactions typically through free radical mechanisms, such as halogenation or hydrogenation. The absence of pi bonds and lower ring strain make cycloalkanes relatively unreactive compared to cycloalkenes and benzene.

Cycloalkenes, on the other hand, contain pi bonds due to the presence of double bonds within the ring structure. These pi bonds introduce a degree of reactivity, making the cycloalkenes more prone to undergo addition reactions. The pi bonds act as nucleophilic centers, attracting electrophiles to react with the double bonds. As a result, cycloalkenes react faster than cycloalkanes due to the presence of pi bonds.

Benzene, a six-membered ring compound with alternating double bonds, has a unique aromatic structure. This aromaticity provides exceptional stability to the molecule, leading to a relatively low reactivity. The delocalized pi electrons in benzene are highly stable and less reactive towards addition reactions, as compared to cycloalkenes. However, benzene is prone to undergo substitution reactions, such as electrophilic aromatic substitution, due to its stabilized aromatic ring structure. These substitution reactions have a slower rate compared to addition reactions of cycloalkenes.

Therefore, the order of reaction rates can be summarized as follows: cycloalkanes < benzene < cycloalkenes. Cycloalkanes are the slowest to react, followed by benzene, while cycloalkenes are the fastest due to the presence of pi bonds and increased reactivity.