you are preparing for a job interview for your dream profession. the job application asks you to write a paragraph eh espanol discussing the following things. please explain why you are interested in this profession, what activities will you do on a daily basis having this profession, and what characteristics do you have that are suited well to this profession. I'm saying that i want to be a cook. I have a few sentances but I have no clue what else to say. please help

Let's begin with what you have? Then I'll know better what you might add. Since they only asked for 1 paragraph, you won't have to say that much . What you DO want to say is why you will be a valuable employee for them. That usually "sells" them on your resumé.


i have that i want to be a cook, and i have that i like to work in a kitchen and that i love to prepare meals. and i said im creaitve and artistic and a good cook. but i don't know what else to say because our teacher said it has to be really long

What I meant is: let's see what you have in Spanish. You must write this in Spanish, right? Look at your textbook, select the vocabulary you know and use that! You can become very inventive, but the simpliest thing to do is to always use the vocabulary and structure (verbs, etc.) that you have studied.


I'll be happy to supply vocabulary if that would help you. Here are some topics: meals, preparation of food, meat & poultry, fish, Seafood & Shellfish, Fruits, Meal & Menu Components, Dairy Products, Eggs & Related Foods, Grain s & Grain Products, Condiments, & Spices, Drinks, At the Table, Dining Out, Buying Food & Drink, Describing Food & Drink.


Sure! Writing a paragraph in Spanish discussing why you are interested in being a cook, what activities you will do on a daily basis, and what characteristics make you well-suited for this profession can be a great way to showcase your enthusiasm and qualifications. Here's a step-by-step approach to help you organize your thoughts:

1. Start by introducing your interest in the culinary profession. Mention why you are passionate about cooking and how it has become an essential part of your life. For example:
"Me interesa mucho la profesión de cocinero(a) porque desde muy joven descubrí mi pasión por la cocina. Para mí, cocinar es más que una tarea diaria; es una forma de expresarme y poner mi creatividad al servicio de los demás."

2. Explain the activities you would engage in on a daily basis as a cook. Highlight the various tasks and responsibilities associated with this profession, such as food preparation, cooking techniques, menu planning, and presentation. You can phrase it like this:
"Como cocinero(a), llevaría a cabo una variedad de actividades diarias. Esto incluiría la preparación de alimentos frescos y de calidad, dominando diversas técnicas culinarias, creando y ajustando menús según las preferencias de los comensales, y presentando platos de manera atractiva y apetitosa."

3. Emphasize the characteristics that make you well-suited for this profession. In this part, highlight your relevant abilities, skills, and personal traits that align with the demands of being a cook. For example:
"Mi personalidad organizada y mi devoción por la perfección me permiten manejar eficientemente las múltiples tareas y demandas en una cocina profesional. Además, mi creatividad y pasión por probar nuevos sabores y experimentar con ingredientes me impulsan a innovar constantemente y ofrecer experiencias culinarias únicas."

4. Conclude your paragraph by reiterating your enthusiasm and commitment towards pursuing a career as a cook. For instance:
"En resumen, mi profundo interés por la gastronomía y mi disposición para enfrentar los desafíos propios de la cocina me motivan a seguir adelante en esta carrera. Estoy seguro(a) de que mi dedicación y mis habilidades me permitirán alcanzar el éxito en este apasionante campo culinario."

Remember to adapt and customize the phrases according to your own experiences and proficiency in Spanish. Good luck with your job application and upcoming interview!